HSV Values and OpenCV for Object Tracking


  • Mir Mahpara Gulzar M.Tech, Electronics and Communication Engineering, RIMT University, Punjab, India Author
  • Ravinder Pal Singh Technical Head, Department of Research, Innovations and Incubation, RIMT University, Punjab, India Author
  • Monika Mehra Head of Department, Electronics and Communication Engineering, RIMT University, Punjab, India Author




HSV, OpenCV, Object tracking, Video frames, GUI


This research shows how colour and  motion may be utilised to speed up the surveillance of  things. Video tracing is a technique for detecting a huge  vehicle over a long distance using a camera. The main goal  of video tracking is to link objects in subsequent video  frames. When objects move faster than the frames per  second, maintaining connection might be difficult. Using  Hue saturation space values and OpenCV in separate video  frames, this article shows how to follow moving objects in  real-time. We begin by finding the HSV value of the object  to be tested, and then we understand the steps along. The  tracking of the items was shown to be 90 percent accurate. 


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How to Cite

HSV Values and OpenCV for Object Tracking . (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 10(1), 43-48. https://doi.org/10.55524/