Effect of Different Coloured Glass Powder, Limestone Waste Powder as Partial Sand Replacement and Flyash as Partial Cement Replacement in M30 Concrete


  • Shubina Rashid M. Tech Scholar, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab India Author
  • Er Richika Rathore Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, RIMT University Mandi, Gobindgarh, Punjab India Author




Compressive strength, Different coloured glas, limestone waste, split tensile test and Fly ash


Limestone waste is a byproduct of the  aggregate production process in the rubble crusher  Limestone unit, which involves the crushing of rocks. The  use of limestone waste as a sand substitute in construction  materials would alleviate the environmental problems  created by the large-scale depletion of natural sand sources  such as river and mining sands. Every year, millions of  tonnes of waste glass are produced around the world. Glass  is disposed of in landfills once it becomes a trash, which is  unsustainable because it decomposes in the environment.  The use of various coloured glass powder as a partial sand  substitute could be a critical step toward the creation of long term infrastructure systems. Fly ash is the bound residue of  coal's clay mineral deposits. most of which are aluminum  silicate in compositionhappens as a result of high  temperatures generated during coal combustion in thermal  power plants. To improve the properties of Portland cement  concrete fly ash used. The purpose of this experiment was to  see how fractional replacement of sand with lime stone waste  powder[LSW], different coloured glass powder, and cement  with Fly ash affected the several fresh and cured qualities of  concrete. So, in my research, I'm utilising M30 grade and a  constant mix of different coloured glass powder in sand.  Workability tests, compressive strength testing, and split  tensile tests were performed to determine the ideal  combination that results in the highest percentage of  strength. 


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Professor Geeta Batham, AkashShrivastav IRJET, experimental study on role of limestone powder and glass powder, fly ash as cement replacement in concrete.

Dr Bharat Nagar, Sudhanshu Kumar (june 2017); Experimental study on utilization of waste glass powder as partial replacement of fine aggregate

Bharat nagar, prof. V.P Bhargava. Research on effect of glass powder on various properties of concrete (international journal of science engineering and technology) published on 2016.

P.Turget (Aug 2013); Experimental study on Fly ash block containing limestone and glass powder waste




How to Cite

Effect of Different Coloured Glass Powder, Limestone Waste Powder as Partial Sand Replacement and Flyash as Partial Cement Replacement in M30 Concrete . (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 10(3), 325-332. https://doi.org/10.55524/