Smart Grid System Using IoT


  • Sajad Ahmad Wani M. Tech. Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab India Author
  • Krishna Tomar Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab India Author



Smart Grid, Internet of things (IOT) Smart Grid, Data Security, Smart Buildings, Communication Technologies, Raspberry Pi



Smart Grid is a flexible Electric Grid,  Communication and IT systems that can monitor the flow of  energy from production areas to utility areas (even down to  the level of electrical equipment) and control the flow of  energy or reduce load to keep pace with real or near  generation. Real-time smart Grids can be achieved through  effective transfer and distribution systems, system  functionality, customer integration, and renewable  integration. Intelligent grid solutions help to monitor,  measure, and control the flow of energy in real-time which  can contribute to the detection of losses and thus take  appropriate technical and administrative measures to capture  losses. Electricity is an important invention otherwise life on  Earth would not be possible. It is therefore clear that there is  a need to measure the electricity used. A wattmeter is  achieved, but a person from TNEB should visit each  customer's house to measure energy consumption and  calculate customer debt. So it requires a lot of manual labor and is time-consuming. We aim to build an IoT-based power  meter for each TNEB customer. So the proposed energy  meter measures the amount of energy used and uploads it to  the Thitspeak cloud the affected person can view the  reading. Power reading is sent to the cloud using ESP 8266,  a Wi-Fi module. Power readings in a digital wattmeter are  read using coupler opt and transmitted digitally to Arduino.  So it automatically performs the process of measuring  domestic energy use using IoT and thereby enables remote  access and digitalization for each TNEB customer. 


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How to Cite

Smart Grid System Using IoT . (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 10(3), 6-8.