Microgrids Based on Regionalised Authority and Control


  • Ifrah Bashir M. Tech Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobingarh, Punjab, India Author
  • Satish Saini Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, RIMT University, Mandi Gobingarh, Punjab, India Author




Decentralised Authority, Localised, DC bus, Vehicles


Since its inception in the late 1800s, the  electrical infrastructure has only grown throughout the  previous century. The demand for and need for this  infrastructure will increase as the world's reliance on  electrical energy grows. This puts a burden on the present  infrastructure, demanding frequent equipment  improvements. With the fast adoption of electric vehicles,  for example, power lines that were previously suitable for  family and commercial loads will be stretched to their  limits, and an upgrade may not be a possibility. In this case,  microgrids, or localized generation and consumption, are a  superior option. However, because to their dispersed  nature, controlling and coordinating the generating sources  is exceedingly challenging. To address this problem, an  alternate microgrid architecture with control localized to  individual sources is proposed. This is the essence of  microgrid distributed control. This research describes and  evaluates a micro-grid architecture that comprises many,  independent sources connected by a shared DC bus, as well  as built-in battery storage, power monitoring, and  protection systems. 


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How to Cite

Microgrids Based on Regionalised Authority and Control . (2022). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 10(4), 43-51. https://doi.org/10.55524/