Verification of UART and I2C Protocols Using System Verilog


  • Ch Manohar Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College forDegree and PG Courses(A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Author
  • G Mahesh Babu Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree andPG Courses(A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Author
  • A Hemanth Chakradhar Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree andPG Courses(A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Author
  • A S K Pranav Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree andPG Courses(A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Author
  • D Sudheer Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree andPG Courses(A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Author
  • U Alex Prince Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gayatri Vidya Parishad College for Degree andPG Courses(A), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Author



Verification, Protocols, UART, I2C, System Verilog


Design Verification in VLSI is the most important step in the product development process. It aims  toconfirmthatthe system designedmeetswith the standards andrequirements of the system. Verification is the process ofchecking whether the designed system performs all the required functionality specified in the design by writing the test bench or verification environment that contains group  ofclasses and modules which generates input stimulus to  the system and the output from that design is compared  with the expected output. A communication system has set of roles those are called  protocols. UART is a serial communication protocol that  is used when only two devices are needed to communicate  and it uses peer to peer topology.I2C stands for InterIntegrated Circuit used for communication between master and slave in which more thanone slave devices or memory  can be connected to a master device. System Verilog has been primarily used for the verification purposes in VLSI  because it has the features of Hardware Description Languages such as Verilog and VHDL,C and C++ and functional coverage, assertion coverage, constrained randomization and supports OOPs concepts.


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System Verilog Verification guide ( og-tutorial/)




How to Cite

Verification of UART and I2C Protocols Using System Verilog . (2023). International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology, 11(2), 58-61.