Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Fisher Households in Tamil Nadu, India: A Climate Change Perspective
Coastal vulnerability, vulnerability index, PARS methodology, adaptation, mitigationAbstract
Climate change is predicted to have a wide range of impacts on fisheries and those who depend on them. Coastal vulnerability describes the exposure of the natural system and of coastal livelihoods towards exigencies. The climate change has multidimensional impacts on environment, fishery, social, economic and development drivers. The perception level of the primary stakeholders- leads to their proactive participation in disaster management plans. The present paper assessed the vulnerability of 400 fisher households in Ramanathapuram district of Tamil Nadu, India using PARS methodology - Parameter, Attribute, Resilient Indicator and Score. The methodology provides prioritization and ranking of the different impacts as perceived by the fishers on the different environment, fishery and socio economic parameters. The vulnerability indices were worked out for the fisher households. The fishers' perception revealed that fishery was most impacted followed by economic and environmental impacts. The study indicated that long term effects of climate change aren't realized/perceived impacted much among the fisher households. The fishers were more prone to loss in, fishing days due to erratic monsoon. The paper suggested the immediate need to improve the primary stakeholders awareness by involving them in disaster preparedness, management and mitigation planning and implementation process.

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