Relationship Between Extent of Participation of Rural Youths towards Farm Operation with Socio - Economic and Psychological Characteristics in Jorhat District of Assam


  • Moromi Buragohain PG Student, Dept. of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13, Assam, India
  • Nagen Bordoloi Professor and head, Dept. of Extension Education,
  • Inne Lego Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13, Assam, India. PG Student, Dept. of Extension Education, College of Post Graduate Studies, CAU, Meghalaya,
  • Dipanjali Saikia PG Student, Dept. of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13, Assam, India
  • Hejbina Mehjabin Hussain PG Student, Dept. of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13, Assam, India


Farming, farm operations, participation, relationship, rural youth


The study entitled “Relationship between extent of participation in farm operation, with socio- economic and  psychological characteristics of rural youths towards farming in Jorhat district of Assam”, following ex-post-facto  research design. A total of 200 respondents were selected using multistage purposive cum random sampling technique.  The data were collected by means of personal interview schedule during 25th Feb, 2016 - 3rd April, 2016. The findings  revealed that age (0.50), size of family (0.042), size of operational land holding (0.043) and attitude towards farming  (0.528) of the respondents was positively significant and highly correlated with extent of participation in farm operations.  x = 40.92*) had significant association at 5 per cent 2 2 Whereas, educational level (x = 69.206*) and occupation of parents (probability level with extent of participation in farm operation. The regression coefficient of age (b = 0.797), educational  level: higher secondary (b = -6.420), diploma/certificate course (b = -8.449), graduate (b = -10.877), sources of farm  machineries and farm implements (b = -0.573), training exposure (b = 1.591) and attitude towards farming (b = 0.796)  2 were found to be significant. The co-efficient of multiple determinations (R =0.63) explain together 63.20 per cent to the  total variation on the extent of participation in farm operations. 


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How to Cite

Relationship Between Extent of Participation of Rural Youths towards Farm Operation with Socio - Economic and Psychological Characteristics in Jorhat District of Assam (M. Buragohain, N. Bordoloi, I. Lego, D. Saikia, & H. M. Hussain , Trans.). (2018). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 54(1), 30-32.