Drivers of IPM Adoption among Hybrid Tomato Farmers in Karnataka: Insights through Mlogit Model


  • Sudhanand Prasad Lal Assistant Professor cum Scientist, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur-848125, Bihar, India
  • K N Sunil Kumar Territory Business Manager, Mahyco Seeds Private Limited, Mysore-563135, Karnataka, India
  • Gyan Shukla Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Extension Education, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, U.P., India



Adoption, Hybrid tomato, Integrated pest management, Multinominal logistic regression, Sustainable agriculture


The investigation was undertaken during 2020 to study the adoption level of IPM practices and the factors influencing adoption among hybrid tomato growers in Karnataka as such studies are scanty in India despite 60 per cent market share of hybrid tomato. Primary data were collected using a structured interview schedule by personally interviewing 120 respondents. Findings revealed that cultural practices like crop rotation, exhibited higher adoption rates, while biological methods were relatively less adopted. Overall, IPM adoption remained limited, with only a small proportion of growers fully embracing these practices. Multinomial logistic regression (MLR) had Nagelkerke’s R-square or Pseudo R2 value of 0.609, indicating 60.90 per cent of total variations in the adoption level of IPM practices, explained by selected explanatory variables. Further, MLR identified factors significantly influencing the adoption of IPM were age (p=0.021), education (p=0.022), Extension contact (p=0.013), and cosmopoliteness (p=0.029) (odds ratio [OR], 6.707; 95% CI of OR 1.211 to 37.158) found significant at 5% level (p<0.05); while social participation (p=0.076) was found significant at 10 per cent level (p<0.10). Targeted interventions and training programmes are needed to promote sustainable practices, particularly among hybrid tomato growers, addressing barriers and enhancing the adoption of IPM practices. 


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How to Cite

Drivers of IPM Adoption among Hybrid Tomato Farmers in Karnataka: Insights through Mlogit Model (S. Prasad Lal, K. N. S. Kumar, & G. Shukla , Trans.). (2025). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 61(1), 48-54.