Study on Varietal Replacement Rate of Groundnut in Saurashtra Region of India


  • Adupa Shanmuka Scientist, ICAR-Directorate of Groundnut Research, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • N B Jadav Director of Extension Education, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • T N S S Srivani Ph.D. Scholar, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • Krimpal Khunt Research Associate, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat, India



Variety replacement rate, Perception, Extent of replacement, Groundnut, Gujarat.


The study conducted during 2024 investigated the dynamics of Variety Replacement Rate (VRR) in groundnut cultivation in Gujarat, India, which contributes significantly to the country’s oilseed production. The study encompasses 180 farmers from three districts in the Saurashtra region, where 40.5 per cent of the nation’s groundnut production originates. The study analyzed the extent of the VRR which states that around 41.11 per cent of the respondents had replaced variety every 3-5 years followed by 30 per cent had no replacement from 5 years and the remaining 28.89 per cent of the respondents had replaced variety for every 2 years. The extent of VRR is influenced by gender, livestock possession, access to credit, occupation, risk orientation, innovativeness, and extension contact. Concerning the perception of farmers towards varietal replacement rate (VRR), 45 per cent of respondents exhibited a neutral perception, followed by 27.78 per cent having a favorable and 27.22 per cent having an unfavorable level of perception towards the varietal replacement rate, emphasizing the need for interventions. Occupation, innovativeness, training received, and awareness significantly influence VRR perception. There is a positive and highly significant relationship between perception towards VRR and the extent of VRR at a 1% significance level with a chi-square value of 22.32. 


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How to Cite

Study on Varietal Replacement Rate of Groundnut in Saurashtra Region of India (A. Shanmuka, N. B. Jadav, T. N. . S. S. Srivani, & K. Khunt , Trans.). (2024). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(4), 19-23.