Comparative Analysis of the Impact of FPO on Paddy Farmers through Canonical Correlation Analysis


  • Adapa Shalini Pujitha PG Scholar, Department of Agricultural Extension Education, M.S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture, CUTM, Paralakhemundi-761211, Odisha
  • Akkamahadevi Naik Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension Education, M.S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture, CUTM, Paralakhemundi-761211, Odisha
  • Ashok Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension Education, M.S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture, CUTM, Paralakhemundi-761211, Odisha
  • Tufleuddin Biswas Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics and Statistics, M.S. Swaminathan School of Agriculture, CUTM, Paralakhemundi 761211, Odisha



Canonical correlation analysis, Farmers, producer organization, Knowledge, Productivity


This study was conducted in 2023-24 in Srikakulam and Vizianagaram districts of Andhra Pradesh and examines the significant impact of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) on paddy farmers’ income, productivity, and sustainability in the study area. Canonical correlation coefficients analysis was used to identify the connection between independent variables and dependent variables for FPO members and non-members. For FPO members, the maximum canonical correlation was found between the first pair of variates (0.789), with strong relations indicated by Wilks statistics and Eigen values. Key influencing factors for FPO members included scientific orientation, awareness about FPOs, social participation, and innovativeness. In contrast, for non-FPO members, educational and occupational status was significant, with the highest canonical correlation at 0.840. The findings suggest FPOs are critical in enhancing agricultural productivity and farmer well-being, providing valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders. Addressing these key elements may lead to targeted interventions, fostering sustainable agricultural development and improving rural livelihoods. 


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How to Cite

Comparative Analysis of the Impact of FPO on Paddy Farmers through Canonical Correlation Analysis (A. S. Pujitha, A. Naik, A. Kumar, & T. Biswas , Trans.). (2024). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(3), 49-53.