Adoption Behaviour of Fish Farmers towards Better Management Practices (BMPs) of Seabass Farming


  • Himadri Prasad Jarh M.F.Sc. Scholar, Department of Fishery Extension, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata-700094, West Bengal, India
  • Shyam Sundar Dana Professor, Department of Fishery Extension, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata-700094, West Bengal, India
  • Abdul Hannan Mondal Ph.D. Scholar,Department of Fishery Extension, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata-700094, West Bengal, India
  • Moumita Ray (Sarkar) Assistant Professor, Department of Fishery Extension, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata-700094, West Bengal, India



Adoption behaviour, Seabass farming, Better Management Practices (BMPs)


This study sought to assess the adoption behaviour of Better Management Practices (BMPs) in seabass farming among fish farmers in the Purba Medinipur district of West Bengal, India, in 2023 by constituting a randomly selected sample size of ninety from three purposefully chosen blocks in the district. It was found that a significant number of respondents were middle-aged (46.67%), had attained middle school education (46.67%), and had been farming for 6 to 10 years (60%). Most respondents (84.44%) reported seabass farming as their primary occupation and practiced it semi-intensively (77.78%). Adoption of Better Management Practices (BMPs) was moderate, with 61.11 per cent of respondents showing a medium adoption level. Key practices, which were fully adopted by most of the respondents, included using lime to maintain water quality (90%), collecting seeds from reputable hatcheries or reliable wild seed collectors (85.6%), acclimatizing seeds before release (82.2%), maintaining size variation of seeds for polyculture to prevent cannibalism (81.1%). Eight variables, namely, age, education, annual income, farming area, experience, operation intensity, training attendance, and extension agency contact, were significantly correlated (p=<0.01) with BMP adoption. 


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How to Cite

Adoption Behaviour of Fish Farmers towards Better Management Practices (BMPs) of Seabass Farming (H. P. Jarh, S. S. Dana, A. H. Mondal, & M. Ray (Sarkar) , Trans.). (2024). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 60(3), 12-17.