Ovarian activity and vaginal resistance in postpartum anestrus Sahiwal cows


  • S K SAHU College of veterinary Science & A.H., Anjora, Durg (Chhattisgarh) Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur - 492 012 (Chhattisgarh)


VMI, ovarian activity, postpartum anestrus, cattle


Postpartum anestrus Sahiwal cows (n=4) which had not shown the signs of estrus three months after parturition
and did not show presence of corpus lutcum in one of the ovary at two examinations made by rectal palpation 11 days apart
were selected for present investigation. Ovaries of all the experimental animals were monitored at 4 days interval for 24
days by the use of Real time B-mode ultrasonography (Scanner 200 EMC/ Pie MediG&l)- WFc-the development of .-arian
follicle with 5 Mhz transducer. On each examination the diameter of the largest follicle in each ovary was measured. Vaginal
mucus impedance was measured daily for 24 days with the help of vaginal probe and impedance meter. The mean follicular
diameter at days 0, 4, 8,12,16,20 and 24 were 3.9:t0.60, 6.72:tl.60, 5.57:tl.89, 6.72:tl.75, 8.6:!:0.67, 7.97:t0.65 and
10.23:t0.87 mm respectively. Changes in VMI indicated a clear increasing and decreasing pattern at a very short interval
with very high individual variation. Correlation ( r ) between VMI and follicular diameter was negative and significant (r =
-0.83 P < 0.01). It was concluded by the present investigation that ovarian activity in prolonged postpartum ancstrus cow
has negative correlation of VMI with follicular diameter. VMI could be a cost and time effective means to determine the
ovarian functional status in true ancstrus postpartum animals, which arc beyond the reach of· rectal palpation.




How to Cite

SAHU, S. K., TIWARI, R. P., MISHRA, U. K., & MUKHERJEE, K. (2023). Ovarian activity and vaginal resistance in postpartum anestrus Sahiwal cows. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 26(2), 109-112. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/ijar/article/view/6420