Quality and Biochemical Characteristics of Frozen Semen of Purebred and Crossbred Bulls
Semen, seminal fluid, Biochemical constituents, ROS, Antioxidants, DNA fragmentationAbstract
In the present study, frozen semen straw were collected from the bull semen bank and performed routine semen analysis. We also studied different biochemical parameters of seminal fluid, including ROS generation and DNA fragmentation. Average viability and motility of sperm showed within 77% and 27%, respectively, which is not satisfactory. Biochemical constituents like glucose, fructose, total protein, cholesterol, and others varied among the different breeds, and there was no superiority among the breeds. The results of different electrolyte concentrations were closely associated among the different breeds that protected the sperm from osmotic lysis. Aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, and acid phosphatase activity were mostly better in exotic and crossbred breeds than in pure indigenous breeds. Antioxidant profile and oxidative stress (OS) were also studied. The results indicated that antioxidant enzyme (catalase, GPx) activity and reduced glutathione content were high in the crossbred variety. However, lipid peroxidation rate was high in the Gir breed. Flowcytometry study revealed that the ROS generation level was very high, and the rate of DNA fragmentation was around 50%, which indicated the loss of 50% of sperm due to ROS. In conclusion, it could be said that cryopreservation decreases sperm viability, motility, and increases ROS that is detrimental to sperm survival.
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Medeiros, C.M.O., Forell, F., Oliveira, A.T., and Rodrigues, J.L. (2002). Current status of sperm cryopreservation: Why isn’t it better? Theriogenology, 57(1): 327–344.
Moron, M.S., Depierre, J.W., and Mannervik, B. (1979). Levels of glutathione reductase and glutathione S-transferaseactivities in rat lung and liver. Biochimica et Bi ophysica Acta, 582(1): 67–78.
Mosaferi, S., Niasari-Naslaji, A., Abarghani, A., Gharahdaghi, A.A., and Gerami, A. (2005). Biophysical and biochemical characteristics of Bactrian camel semen collected by artifi cial vagina. Theriogenology, 63(1): 92–101.
Mukhopadhyay, C.S., Gupta, A.K., Yadav, B.R., Chauhan, I.S., Gupta, A., Mohanty, T.K., and Raina, V.S. (2011). Effect of cryopreservation on sperm chromatin integrity and fertilizing potential in bovine semen. Livest. Sci., 136(2–3): 114–121.
Ohkawa, H., Ohishi, N., and Yagi, K. (1979). Assay for lipid peroxides in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reac tion. Anal. Biochem., 95(2): 351–358.
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Pommer, A.C., Linfor, J.J., and Meyers, S.A. (2002). Capacitation and acrosomal exocytosis are enhanced by incubation of stallion of spermatozoa in commercial semen extender. Theriogenology, 57(5): 1493–150.
Purohit, S.B., Laloraya, M., and Kumar, G.P. (1999) Role of ions and ion channels in capacitation and acrosome reaction of spermatozoa. Asian J. Androl., 1: 95-107.
Raheja, N., Choudhary, S., Grewal, S., Sharma, N., and Kumar, N. (2018). A review on semen extenders and addi tives used in cattle and buffalo bull semen preservation. J. Entomol. Zool. Stud., 6(3): 239–245.
Słowińska, M., Liszewska, E., Nynca, J., Bukowska, J., Hejmej, A., Bilińska, B., Szubstarski, J., Kozłowski, K., Jankowski, J., and Ciereszko, A. (2014). Isolation and characterization of an ovoinhibitor, a multidomainkazal-like inhibitor from turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) seminal plasma. Biol. Reprod., 91(5): 108, 115.
Storey, B.T. (2008). Mammalian sperm metabolism: Oxygen and sugar, friend and foe. Int. J. Develop. Biol., 52(5–6): 427–437. Suski, J.M., Lebiedzinska, M., Bonora, M., Pinton, P., Duszynski, J., and Wieckowski, M.R. (2012). Relation between mitochon
drial membrane potential and ROS formation. Methods in Mol. Biol., 810: 183–205.
Tavilani, H., Goodarzi, M.T., Vaisi-Raygani, A., Salimi, S., and Hassanzadeh, T. (2008). Activity of antioxidant enzymes in seminal plasma and their relationship with lipid peroxida tion of spermatozoa. Int. Braz. J. Urol, 34(4): 485–491.
Townsend, D.M., Tew, K.D., and Tapiero, H. (2003). The importance of glutathione in human dis ease. Biomed. Pharmacother., 57(3–4): 145–155.
Tribulo, P., Bogle, O., Mapletoft, R.J., and Adams, G.P. (2015). Bioactivity of ovulation inducing factor (or nerve growth factor) in bovine seminal plasma and its effects on ovarian function in cattle. Theriogenology, 83(9): 1394–1401.
Tvrdá, E., Lukáč, N., Schneidgenová, M., Lukáčová, J., Szabó, C., Goc, Z., Greń, A., and Massányi, P. (2013b). Impact of seminal chemical elements on the oxidative balance in bovine seminal plasma and spermatozoa. J. Vet. Med., 2013: article ID 125096, 8 pages.
Tvrdá, E., Kňažická, Z., and Lukáč, N. (2012). Selected heavy metals versus antioxidant parameters in bull seminal plas ma—A comparative study. J. Environ. Sci. Health A Tox. Hazard Subst. Environ. Eng., 47(9): 1261–1266.
Tvrdá, E., Kňažická, Z., Lukáčová, J. et al. (2013a). The impact of lead and cadmium on selected motility, prooxidant and antioxidant parameters of bovine seminal plasma and sper matozoa. J. Environ. Sci.Health – Part A, 48: 1–9.
Veerabramhaiah, K., Rao, S.A., Rao, V.H., Naidu, K.V., and Rao, S.T.V. (2011). Effect of tris and biociphos-plus extend ers on the extracellular enzyme release of phosphatases and transferases in punganur bull semen. J. Adv. Vet. Res., 1: 61–64.
Vince, S., Žura Žaja, I., Samardžija, M., Majić Balić, I., Vilić, M., Đuričić, D., Valpotić, H., Marković, F., and Milinković-Tur, S. (2018). Age-related differences of semen quality, seminal plasma, and spermatozoa antioxidative and oxidative stress variables in bulls during cold and warm periods of the year. Animal, 12(3): 559–568.
Wong, W.Y., Flik, G., Groenen, P.M.W., Swinkels, D.W., Thomas, C.M.G., Copius-Peereboom, J.H.J., Merkus, H.M., and Steegers-Theunissen, R.P.M. (2001). The impact of calcium, magnesium zinc, and copper in blood and seminal plasma on semen parameters in men. Reprod. Toxicol., 15(2): 131–136.
Wongtawan, T., Saravia, F., Wallgren, M., Caballero, I., and Rodríguez-Martínez, H. (2006). Fertility after deep intra-uterine artificial insemination of concentrated low-vol ume boar semen doses. Theriogenology, 65(4): 773–787.