Impact of socio-economic and input variables on the profitability of dairying: A study in women coopearative society


  • R SURESH Associate Professor (LPM), ILFC, College of Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. Telangana-500030.
  • K SARJAN RAO Professor and Univ. Head, Dept. of LPM, CVSc. Poddatur, Kadapa, dist. A.P.
  • Y RAVINDRA REDDY Professor, Dept. of LPM. C.V.Sc.Tirupati, A.P.
  • G R K SHARMA rofessor and Univ. Head, Dept. of Vety. & A.H. Ext. C.V.Sc. Tirupati, A.P.
  • B PUNYAKUMARI Assistant Professor and Head, Dept. of Animal Genetics and Breeding. C.V.Sc. Tirupati, A.P.


Milk production, Income from milk, Inputs, Women cooperatives


Dairying is considered as the ever income supporting enterprise in India. High input cost results in less profits  or losses in dairying. The present study was conducted at one of the successful women dairy cooperative in  Telangana State to know the impact of socio economic and input variables on the profitability from dairying.  The independent variables such as educational status, herd size, family members and landholding were  positively and significantly correlated with milk production. The inputs were positively and significantly  correlated with total milk production and income from milk in both member and non members groups. The  coefficients of cost of dry fodder, concentrate and labour cost showed a positive and significant (P<0.01)  relationship with cost of milk production, whereas cost of green fodder showed negative sign in member  and non member groups. This shows that there is a scope to increase milk production and income from  milk by augmenting the inputs and educating scientific management practices to the women dairy farmers. 



How to Cite

Impact of socio-economic and input variables on the profitability of dairying: A study in women coopearative society . (2017). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 33(1-2), 45-49.