Impacts of shed orientation on behavioural pattern, physiological changes and semen quality in HF X Sahiwal bulls


  • A S SIROHI Principal Scientist, Division of CPR, ICAR-CIRC, Meerut Cantt.
  • N CHAND Principal Scientist, Division of CPR, ICAR-CIRC, Meerut Cantt
  • S TYAGI Principal Scientist, Division of CPR, ICAR-CIRC, Meerut Cantt
  • S KUMAR Principal Scientist, Division of CPR, ICAR-CIRC, Meerut Cantt
  • M PANDE Scientist, Division of CPR, ICAR-CIRC, Meerut Cantt
  • A SHARMA Research Associate, Division of CPR, ICAR-CIRC, Meerut Cantt



Behaviour, Crossbred bull, Housing, Physiological parameters, Semen


The present study was conducted to assess the effect of two sides of North-South oriented shed with  open area in East and West directions on microclimatic variables, physiological & behavioural responses  and semen quality in Frieswal bulls. Adult breeding bulls (24) were distributed equally into East (GE) and  West (GW) facing opening sides of the shed. All the bulls were kept in individual pens under loose housing  system and were managed with uniform management practices. The average THI values during hot-dry  and hot-humid seasons were in the various levels of thermal stress in both the groups. During hot-dry and  hot-humid seasons, physiological responses in GW bulls were higher in the afternoon than in the morning  values, however, in GE bulls rectal temperature and respiration rate increased significantly in the afternoon  Sperm concentration was higher (p<0.05) during hotter part of the year than during comfort or cooler. The  bulls of both the groups spent maximum time on rumination on kachcha floor while sitting (40 and 37.5% in  GE and GW, respectively). In the GE, bulls spent more time on other minor activities during summer than  in winter. In GW, bulls spent more time in covered area during summer during day time. Semen volume  and initial sperm motility was found better during hot-dry and winter months. Post thaw sperm motility  improved during comfort and winter months. The results revealed that semen quality and dry matter intake  of experimental bulls did not show any significant effect due to design of sheds. 



How to Cite

Impacts of shed orientation on behavioural pattern, physiological changes and semen quality in HF X Sahiwal bulls . (2024). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 36(1-4), 109-114.