Pre-Partum Feeding and Elimination Behaviour of Kankrej Cows  at an Organized Farm


  • A K SRIVASTAVA Department of Livestock Production & Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University (Erstwhile SDAU), Sardarkrushinagar-385506, Gujarat
  • J B PATEL Department of Livestock Production & Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University (Erstwhile SDAU), Sardarkrushinagar-385506, Gujarat
  • A P CHAUDHARY Department of Livestock Production & Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University (Erstwhile SDAU), Sardarkrushinagar-385506, Gujarat
  • K J ANKUYA Department of Livestock Production & Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University (Erstwhile SDAU), Sardarkrushinagar-385506, Gujarat
  • H D CHAUHAN Department of Livestock Production & Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University (Erstwhile SDAU), Sardarkrushinagar-385506, Gujarat
  • V K PATEL Department of Livestock Production & Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University (Erstwhile SDAU), Sardarkrushinagar-385506, Gujarat
  • M M PAWAR Department of Livestock Production & Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University (Erstwhile SDAU), Sardarkrushinagar-385506, Gujarat
  • JP GUPTA Department of Livestock Production & Management, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Kamdhenu University (Erstwhile SDAU), Sardarkrushinagar-385506, Gujarat



Kankrej cow, parity, feeding behaviour, elimination behaviour, pre-partum behaviour


Present study was carried out to assess the effect of parturition on feeding behaviour on before  calving. 21 Kankrej cows were equally grouped into 3 treatments, first parity (T1), second parity (T2)  and 3 or more parity (T3) cows. The behaviour of cows was recorded with two CCTV cameras and  24 hours’ observations were made from recorded video for four days −1, −2, −3 and −7 prior to the  calving. The feeding behaviour was assessed in terms of feeding frequency, feeding duration and  watering frequency. The mean feeding frequency was the highest on the day of calving (30.33±2.07)  followed by day-3 (26.62±1.43), day-2 (25.33±1.46) and Day-7 (24.43±1.40) in a day and the  difference found was significant (P<0.05). The mean feeding duration (min) was the minimum on the  day of calving (273.19±14.45) followed by day-7 (315.00±11.17), day-2 (315.57±9.84) and day-3  (318.10.95±1.40) in a day and the difference found was significant (P<0.05). Mean water drinking  frequencies was maximum on the day of calving 4.14±0.55 compared to 3.95±0.51, 3.67±0.40 and  3.81±0.48 on −2, −3 and −7 prior to the calving, respectively, but the difference found was not  significant. Hence, it may be concluded from the study that cows have higher feeding frequency, less  feeding duration and higher watering frequency on the day of calving than 2-7 days before the  calving. The decrease in feeding duration on the day of calving is directly related to lesser feed intake  and reason might be due to increase restlessness and discomfort associated with the parturition  process. 


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How to Cite

Pre-Partum Feeding and Elimination Behaviour of Kankrej Cows  at an Organized Farm. (2024). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 39(4), 278-284.