A Study on the Effect of Housing on Serum Biochemical Parameters of Nellore Lambs


  • Kasala Vishnu Teja Department of Livestock Production Management, Veterinary College, KVAFSU, Gadag-582101
  • S Sreedhar Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary Science, SVVU, Gannavaram-522034.
  • M Kalyana Chakravarthi Department of Livestock Farm Complex, College of Veterinary Science, SVVU, Tirupati-517502
  • A Ravi Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science, SVVU, Tirupati-517502.
  • G Ganga Raju Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary Science, SVVU, Tirupati-517502.




Nellore Jodipi lambs, Housing, creatinine, urea, sodium,, potassium, calcium, ALT, AST


A study was carried out to find out the effect  of housing on serum biochemical parameters of  Nellore Jodipi lambs under tropical environmental  conditions. Thirty weaned Nellore ram lambs of 3-4  months age were selected based on body weight  and randomly divided into three groups of ten  animals each. Temperature and humidity values  were significantly (P<0.05) different among all the  groups. The mean serum biochemical parameters  like creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, calcium,  ALT and AST were significantly (P<0.05) higher in  group II (1.75±1.00 mg/dl, 21.23±1.00 mg/dl,  150.16±1.00 mmol/L, 4.76±0.22 mmol/L,  12.87±1.00 mg/dl, 243.38±1.00 IU/L, 32.03±1.00I  U/L) when compared to group I (1.36±1.00 mg/dl,  13.71±1.00 mg/dl, 144.95±1.0 mmol/L, 4.55±0.22  mmol/L, 12.06±1.00 mg/dl, 171.77±1.00 IU/L,  26.93±1.00 IU/L) and group III (1.32±1.00 mg/dl,  8.96±1.00 mg/dl, 141.77±1.00 mmol/L, 3.99±1.00  mmol/L, 11.27±1.00 mg/dl, 124.53±1.00 IU/L,  23.88±1.00 IU/L) respectively, whereas, other  parameters like glucose was significantly (P<0.05)  lower in group II (39.07±1.00 mg/dl) when  compared to group I (55.41±1.00 mg/dl) and III  (75.26±1.00 mg/dl). It was concluded that the  housing system of elevated slatted flooring with  galvalume roofing proved to be effective in  controlling heat stress and maintaining normal  serum biochemical parameters of Nellore ram  lambs.  


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Effect of housing on serum biochemical parameters Nellore lambs

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How to Cite

A Study on the Effect of Housing on Serum Biochemical Parameters of Nellore Lambs . (2024). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 40(2), 70-77. https://doi.org/10.48165/ijapm.2024.40.2.2