Rooting response of pomegranate cv. Bhagwa cuttings to different media and growth regulators


  • M K Dhakar Scientist (Fruit Science), ICAR-RCER, Research Centre, Ranchi Author
  • D K Sarolia Senior Scientist, CIAH, Bikaner Author
  • R A Kaushik Professor, Dept. of Horticulture, RCA, MPUAT, Udaipur Author
  • M L Bana Assistant Agriculture Officer, Rajasthan Author


Auxin, hardwood cutting, pomegranate, potting media


An experiment was conducted to study the influence of different media and growth regulators on the rooting and
sprouting of hardwood cuttings of pomegranate cv. Bhagwa. Hardwood cuttings of diameter 0.8-1.0 cm having length 20-25
cm were taken and subjected to following treatments, viz., NAA-2500 ppm (T1), NAA-5000 ppm (T2), distilled water without
growth regulator as control (T3), Seradex rooting powder (T4), IBA-2500 ppm (Ts) and IBA-5000 ppm (T6) and then planted
in vermiculite (M1), cocopeat (M2), sand (M3) and soil (M4) as rooting media. The results clearly demonstrate that cocopeat
showed significantly higher bud sprout (5.54), shoot length (21.35 cm), root length (17.48 cm) and survival per cent (74.17)
of hardwood cuttings. Among the different growth regulator maximum number of sprouts (4.88), shoot length (22.93 cm),
root length (19.54 cm) and per cent survivability (73.0%) were registered with IBA 5000 ppm treatment. The interaction of
cocopeat + IBA 5000 ppm was found to be most effective for encouraging the number of shoots (7.60), shoot length (26.70
cm), root length (25.60 cm), survivability of cuttings (85%) and root density.


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How to Cite

Rooting response of pomegranate cv. Bhagwa cuttings to different media and growth regulators. (2017). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 11(1&2), 99-102.