Screening of ridge gourd varieties/ genotypes [Luffa acutangula (Roxb.) L.] for resistance against fruit fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett)) in hot arid region of Rajasthan


  • Shravan M Haldhar Scientist, Agril. Entomology,Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, ICAR, Bikaner, India Author
  • B R Choudhary Scientist, Vegetable Science,Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, ICAR, Bikaner, India Author
  • R Bhargava Principal Scientist, Plant Physiology,Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, ICAR, Bikaner, India Author
  • S K Sharma Director, Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, ICAR, Bikaner, India Author


Screening, resistant, Bactrocera cucurbitae, Luffa acutangula


Host plant resistance is an important component for management of the melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) owing to difficulties associated with its chemical and biological control. Ridge gourd varieties/ genotypes viz.,  AHRG-49, Arka Sujata, AHRG-29, AHRG-36, AHRG-47, AHRG-41, S. Manjari, AHRG-31, AHRG-33, AHRG-42,  AHRG-30, AHRG-57, S. Uphal, Pusa Nasdar, AHRG-35, Jaipuri Long, AHRG- 23, AHRG-56, AHRG-53, AHRG-58,  AHRG-50, AHRG-28, AHRG-43, AHRG-44, AHRG-46, AHRG-48, AHRG-52, AHRG-59 and AHRG-61 were evaluated  to screen out the suitable resistant/susceptible varieties/ genotypes against the fruit fly in hot arid region of Rajasthan. The  results imparted that the percentage of fruit infestation and larval population per fruit on tested varieties/ genotypes of ridge  gourd varied significantly. Pooled data showed that the AHRG-49, AHRG-33, AHRG-42, AHRG-30, AHRG- 23, AHRG 

58, AHRG-50, AHRG-28, AHRG-43, AHRG-52 and AHRG-59 were categorized as susceptible varieties/ genotypes with  fruit infestation (70.85%, 68.13%, 57.97%, 55.93%, 70.17%, 55.00%, 53.25%, 65.75%, 57.82%, 69.68% and 65.83%,  respectively) and larval population per fruit (22.27, 28.92, 25.93, 22.73, 22.63, 24.28, 22.27, 23.42, 24.12, 21.97, 24.93 and  24.13, respectively). Whereas, the varieties/ genotypes AHRG-29, AHRG-57 and Pusa Nasdar had fruit infestation  (17.92%, 16.22% and 18.50%, respectively) and larval population per plant (16.60, 13.45 and 14.55, respectively) and  declared as resistant varieties/ genotypes to fruit fly. The AHRG-47, AHRG-31, AHRG-48 and AHRG-61 with fruit  infestation (78.02%, 80.13%, 80.10% and 79.42%, respectively) were highly susceptible varieties/ genotypes to fruit fly in  pooled data of both the seasons viz., 2011 and 2012. Lower values of host plant susceptibility indices based on fruit  infestation (HPSI) were recorded on resistant varieties/ genotypes , AHRG-29, AHRG-57 and Pusa Nasdar (36.12%,  32.69% and 37.29%, respectively) could be used as a source of resistance for developing ridge gourd varieties/ genotypes  resistant to fruit fly. 


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How to Cite

Screening of ridge gourd varieties/ genotypes [Luffa acutangula (Roxb.) L.] for resistance against fruit fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett)) in hot arid region of Rajasthan . (2013). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 8(1&2), 21-24.