Maintenance and repair of major equipment in a district hospital


  • O P Lathwal Former Director Health Services, Haryana
  • Amit Lathwal Senior Resident, Dept. of Hospital Administration, AIIMS, New Delhi
  • Sanju Singh Deputy Commandant, CRPF



Medical Equipment, Maintenance, Repair, District


This descriptive-cum exploratory study was undertaken in the district hospital, Gurgaon in the State of Haryana to find out the status of maintenance and repair services for the major equipment in all areas of the hospital. The study was conducted by interviewing the concerned personnel using a structured questionnaire and by filling up a structured proforma for each item of major equipment. There was no system of regular maintenance either planned/scheduled or preventive. Only breakdown maintenance was found prevailing which was also neither proper nor convenient. The breakdown or out of order equipment was 36.5% of the total available equipment out of which only 20% was repairable and the rest 80% had become unserviceable lying for want of repairs for years. Based on the findings of the study and the discussions with concerned personnel and experts, suitable recommendations have been formulated. 


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2. Krishna NV. Preventive Maintenance Management Guide, National Productivity Council, New Delhi, 1985 pp;.3-5.

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4. Gregor RH, Mickey HC. Procurement and Materials Management for Hospitals, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A., 1960;pp. 96-105.

5. Mehta JC. (1974): Hospital Engineering – A Delayed Concept, National Institute of Health Administration and Education (NIHAE) Bulletin, 1974;7: 207-217.

6. Sakharkar BM. (1979): A Study of the Role of preventive Maintenance in Optimal Utilization of Equipment Resources in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital, Unpublished M.H.A. thesis, A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi.

7. Rao Committee (1968): Report of the Hospital Review Committee (Delhi Hospitals), Unpublished Report, Ministry of Health, Family Planning and Urban Development, Government of India, New Delhi.

8. Verma Committee (1971): Report of the Working Group for Examining the Administrative and Engineering Set Ups of Hospitals, Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Government of India, New Delhi.

9. World Health Organization (1992): The Hospital in Rural and Urban Districts: Report of a WHO Study Group on the Functions of Hospitals at the First Referral Level, Technical Report Series No. 819, World Health Organization, Geneva.



How to Cite

Maintenance and repair of major equipment in a district hospital . (2009). Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 7(1&2), 51-57.