Estimation of Human Height from Anthropometric Measurements of Head amongst Madhya Pradesh Population


  • Sumeet Shende Associate Professor, Forensic Medicine, Chirayu Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Ashok Kumar Jain Professor & Head, Forensic Medicine, Chirayu Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Prasad Jaybhaye Assistant Professor, Forensic Medicine, Chirayu Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Indubala Mathur Assistant Professor, Forensic Medicine, RKDF Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India



Anthropology, Forensic, Head breadth, Head length, Race, Regression equation, Stature


Background: The stature prediction occupies a relatively central position both in anthropological research and forensic practice especially in cases where bodies are found in mutilated condition or only skeletal remains are sent for examination. It is well known fact that there is definite correlation of height with different measurements of bones. Stature varies with race, sex, climatic condition. Moreover, each race requires its own formula for height estimation because of variations exist in population of different geographical region. In India, where racial and ethnic variations are well known, region wise study of this kind is necessary. Aim: Present study was done to estimate stature from skull length and breadth in Madhya Pradesh population. Method: Study was conducted amongst 150 males and 150 females who are of age group 18–25 years. All the participants are born and brought up in Madhya Pradesh only. Height, head length (HL) and head breadth (HB) was taken by standard anthropometric instruments and technique. Results: Linear regression equation for both sexes is calculated. Conclusion: Stature estimation can be done from HL and HB by these formulae which are specific for Madhya Pradesh population. 


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How to Cite

Estimation of Human Height from Anthropometric Measurements of Head amongst Madhya Pradesh Population . (2017). Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 15(1&2), 11-14.