Sudden Death due to Spontaneous Intracerebellar Haemorrhage: A Case Report


  • Akshith Raj S Shetty Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, MS Ramaiah Medical College, MSRIT Post, MSR Nagar, Bangalore, RGUHS, Karnataka, India
  • Y P Girish Chandra Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, MSRMC, RGUHS, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Somusekhar Gajula Post-Graduate Student, Department of Forensic Medicine, MSRMC, RGUHS, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Anitha Shivaji Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India



Forensic pathology, Sudden natural death, Intracranial haemorrhage, Intracerebellar haemorrhage, Spontaneous cerebellar haemorrhage


Forensic pathologists come across natural deaths only when it is sudden. Sudden natural deaths are mostly due to the involvement of the cardiovascular system and followed by the involvement of central nervous system. Here, we report a case of young air force personnel without any prior medical history, who collapsed at the morning exercise session and was declared brought dead. At autopsy, the cause of death was attributed to a spontaneous intracerebellar haemorrhage. Spontaneous cerebellar haemorrhage is defined as bleeding into cerebellar parenchyma without any trauma and constitutes a very small percentage of all intracerebral haemorrhages. Cerebellar haemorrhage is most commonly caused by hypertension and other causes are aneurysms, vascular malformations, coagulopathies and tumour bleeding. Thus, this case report is being presented to stress on the need for an extensive medical examination for recruits in armed forces instead of the routine screening tests. 


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How to Cite

Sudden Death due to Spontaneous Intracerebellar Haemorrhage: A Case Report . (2018). Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 16(3&4), 75-78.