A Feature Level Multisensor Medical Image Fusion using K-mean Clustering Algorithm


  • N.Sathish Kumar Leclurer,Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbalore,T.N
  • C. Shanthi Senior L clurer,Govemmen.t College of Engineering,Coimbatore.,TN


Multisensor, Medical Image, Clustering Algorithm, clustering, K-mean


Image guided neuro surgery requires prcop ralive planning to dct rminc th b t possible pro cdur during surgery. Mul j Re olution imag data fusion which belongs to the area of typical 2-D signal pro - ssing used to study lhe anatomi < I d tails, boundary and in p ct the tumor or blood clol. Ac urat delcrminalion of location of urger is pr op rati edical Image fusion technique are p rformed at three cliff rent processing le els, namely pixel level, feature level, and d cision level. Thi feature level image fusion is a succes ful impl mentation of rn dical imag fusion which involves two main steps. First the feature e traction algorithm is applied separat ly on the individual source image and next he fusion is perform d based on the extraction


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How to Cite

Kumar, N. ., & Shanthi, C. (2008). A Feature Level Multisensor Medical Image Fusion using K-mean Clustering Algorithm . Gyan Management Journal, 2(1), 114-128. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/gmj/article/view/824