Does Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality have an impact on HDFC Bank Customers’ Loyalty?


  • Jyoti Ph.D. Student, University Business School, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India
  • Dr. Rupinder Bir Kaur Associate Professor, University Business School, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India



Service quality, customer satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, HDFC bank


Purpose- The purpose of the present study is to investigate the service  quality of HDFC Bank and how it affects the satisfaction and loyalty of  their customers. Finding out how customer satisfaction affects service  quality and customer loyalty among HDFC customers is the study’s  secondary goal. 

Design/Methodology/Purpose -Using a questionnaire-based survey  method, data from 120 bank customers were gathered using the  Purposive Sampling method. Of these, 55.5 per cent were female and  44.5 per cent were male.Findings-  The study’s findings showed a significant link between  customer satisfaction and service quality (H1). Results, however,  indicate that HDFC Bank customer loyalty is not significantly  influenced by service quality and customer satisfaction (H2, H3).  Additionally, this study’s findings indicate that there is no conclusive  evidence linking customer loyalty and service quality through  customer satisfaction as a mediator (H4). 

Research limitations/Implications-  Results may vary in other  countries and generalizability to the full population is constrained.  Future studies will use more varied samples or carry out more  comparable investigations in different sectors.Practical Implications- The study’s findings showed that client loyalty  cannot be assured by customer satisfaction and service quality alone. 


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How to Cite

Jyoti, & Kaur, D. R. B. (2023). Does Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality have an impact on HDFC Bank Customers’ Loyalty? . Gyan Management Journal, 17(2), 5-15.