Hassle Free Cash and Fee Management Integrated With AHIMS


  • Ashu Krishna Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Pune University Campus, Ganesh Khind Pune - 411 007
  • Satyajit Rath Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Pune University Campus, Ganesh Khind Pune - 411 007
  • Ashwini Mishra Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Pune University Campus, Ganesh Khind Pune - 411 007




Receipt fund management, Accountancy, Account Head Booking


Funds in a hospital can flow from different sources e.g., patient registration,  admission counter, investigation billing etc. which is the part of patient  billing. The entire collection is compiled in via fee module and challan  is prepared to deposit the collection in different heads based on various  classification of corresponding grant of the cash section in Accounts  Department. Further cash section is also responsible to book the various  heads from other different sources such as R & I department, SHE  department, MS-Office etc. the collection may be receipt by Cash, Cheque,  Demand Draft, Indian Postal Order, Bank Advice Note etc.The major challenge at cash receipt and payment collection center is to  recognizing current head for booking and covers all receipt of fund under  various accounts along with various corresponding classification and  referring the previous data and synchronized format. Computerization of these activities streamlines the receipt mechanism  of hospital. This paper describes the implementation of cash and fee  management process using J2EE and Oracle technology.  


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How to Cite

Krishna, A. ., Rath, S. ., & Mishra, A. . (2022). Hassle Free Cash and Fee Management Integrated With AHIMS. Gyan Management Journal, 16(1), 42-47. https://doi.org/10.48165/gmj.2022.16.1.6