Effect Of Online (Social) Media Influencers On Consumer Purchase Intent: A Young Generation Perspective


  • Swati Patil Ph.D Scholar JDBIMS, SNDT Women’s University (Mumbai)
  • Nitin Wani Research Guide, JDBIMS, SNDT Women’s University (Mumbai)




Growing, Online, Influencers, Social Media, Consumer


The growing use of online (social) media and mobile technologies
made it easy for people to generate content and share details about
their personal lives online. This has created an environment that
has contributed to the rise of online (social) media influencers, a
community of operators who attained a level of notoriety similar to
that of celebrities in the online world. With the decreasing efficacy of
conventional advertising strategies, more professionals have realised
in recent years the importance of online (social) media influencers
in promoting awareness of brand and sparking buyer dialogues (Lou
et. al.,2021). In recent times, a increasing number of professionals
acknowledged the significance of online (social) media influencers
in augmenting brand recognition and adopting consumer dialogues,
mainly considering their diminished efficacy of conventional
marketing strategies (Baker 2021)


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How to Cite

Patil , S., & Wani , N. (2024). Effect Of Online (Social) Media Influencers On Consumer Purchase Intent: A Young Generation Perspective . Gyan Management Journal, 18(2), 38-44. https://doi.org/10.48165/gmj.2023.18.2.6