Examining Antecedents of Job Stress: A Demographic Analysis of State Bank of India Employees working in Cachar District of Assam


  • Nitashree Barman PhD, SEFM Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalaya Head, Department of Accountancy (A Government Model College) Tulungia (https:pduamtulungia.org) Dist: Bongaigaon State: Assam Pin: 783383, India




Job stress, Gender, Designation, Job experience, Employees


The present study aims at assessing antecedents of job stress among  employees of State Bank of India (SBI) operating in the Cachar district  of Assam, taking into account gender, designation, and job experience.  The findings reveal that male bank employees experience more job related stress than their female counterparts. Furthermore, employees  in managerial positions exhibit higher stress levels than clerks,  primarily due to role overload and poor relationships with other staff.  Regarding job experience, the results indicate that employees with less  than five years of experience endure a significant amount of stress,  particularly related to role ambiguity, role conflict, group politics, and  unfavorable working conditions. 


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How to Cite

Barman , N. (2023). Examining Antecedents of Job Stress: A Demographic Analysis of State Bank of India Employees working in Cachar District of Assam . Gyan Management Journal, I, 74-83. https://doi.org/10.48165/gmj.2023.conf10