Learners’ Psychological Well-Being And Academic Performance In The Midst Of Health Crisis: A Correlational Study


  • Dr. Rosalyn S. Galvez Director, SAS, La Consolacion University Philippines. Author


Learners, Psychological Well-Being, Academic Performance, Health Crisis,, Pandemic, COVID 19


The major problem of the study was to determine the effects of learners’ psychological well-being in the midst  of pandemic on academic performance. The study made use of the descriptive-correlational method of  research. The study adopted the psychological well-being instrument (PWB) with a validity index ranging  from 0.72 to 94. The respondents of the study were selected college learners studying in one higher education  institutions in Malolos City. The data were presented using tables and the results of the study were tabulated  and processed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPPS). The results of the study revealed that  learners’ psychological well- being mean was “a little agree” - 5.29. The “a little agree” mean was manifested  by the following indicators: (1) Autonomy- 4.98, (2) Environmental mastery- 4.85, (3) Personal Growth - 5.66,  (4) Positive relation with others - 5.57, (5) Purpose in Life - 5.55, and (6) Self- acceptance - 5.10. Moreover,  learners’ over-all mean of academic performance is 1.65 (Accomplished) with a standard deviation of 0.31451.  The accomplished mean is manifested by the following indicators: (1) Exemplary - 22.77%, (2) Proficient - 19.72%, (3) Accomplished - 34.98%, (4) Emerging - 11.97%, (5) Beginner - 10.56%, and (6) Failed - 0%.Hence, the study also revealed that, learners’ psychological well-being in the midst of health crisis exert  significant effects with academic performance.


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How to Cite

Learners’ Psychological Well-Being And Academic Performance In The Midst Of Health Crisis: A Correlational Study . (2022). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 11(1), 45-52. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/13009