Ralph Arjay C. Dela Cruz


  • Ralph Arjay C. Dela Cruz Saint Francis of Assisi College, Philippines. Author


Online Education, Online Distance Learning, Franciscan Adaptive Learning Program


The SARS-CoV-2 virus has transformed online education. During the pandemic, online schooling substituted  face-to-face teaching. Students adapt to the new normal. Different institutions developed a technology-based  adaptive learning program per the Department of Education’s standards by implementing Learning Delivery  Modalities for Formal Education to leverage online distance learning. Thus, Saint Francis of Assisi College  (SFAC) sees an opportunity to provide an online program. The Franciscan Adaptive Learning Program (FALP)  was adopted for 2020–2021. This study assessed the Franciscan Adaptive Learning Program (FALP)  implementation and quality at Saint Francis of Assisi College, emphasizing objectives, content, strategies, and  evaluation. A survey was used to collect the data from education stakeholders, primarily teachers and students.  This research is a descriptive quantitative study. Three hundred eleven (311) junior and senior high school  students and fifty-three (53) teachers were surveyed. Teachers’ and students’ evaluations were compared using  a T-test for Independent Samples to determine whether there was a significant difference. Implementing the  Franciscan Adaptive Learning Program (FALP) suggested that both students and teachers were satisfied with its effectiveness in terms of its objectives, content, strategies, and evaluation. In addition, the effectiveness of  the online program’s continuance and development needs monitoring, maintenance, and enhancement. As a  result, a four-part action plan and a proposal to establish an Internal Quality Assurance Team (IQA) at Saint  Francis of Assisi College to monitor the Franciscan Adaptive Learning Program (FALP) were submitted.  


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How to Cite

Ralph Arjay C. Dela Cruz . (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 12(1), 144- 156. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/cijahe/article/view/12934