Students’ 21st Century Skills: Level Of Readiness For Large- Scale Assessments


  • Arnida Biliran Department of Education, Polytechnic State University, Zamboanga City, Philippines.85 Author


Assessment, 21st Century Skills, Readiness.


This study was conducted to identify the 21st-century skills of students in terms of critical thinking,  collaboration, communication, and creativity; and to assess their readiness for large- scale assessments. It  employed a descriptive-correlational research design utilizing a 4-Likert scale questionnaire checklist. The  respondents were 350 Grade 10 students from a total population of 2,732 from six selected public schools in  Zamboanga City, the School Year 2021–2022. It was revealed that the respondents were females between the  ages of 16 and 17, with a monthly household income of PHP9,000 or less and one to three siblings. Most of  the respondents were very skilled in terms of collaboration and communication. On the other hand, they were  moderately skilled in critical thinking and creativity. Hence, respondents were very skilled. Moreover, it was  found that there was a significant relationship between the respondents’ 21st-century skills and their readiness  for large-scale assessments. Respondents were ready for large-scale assessment regarding critical thinking,  communication, and creativity and highly ready for collaboration. Respondents’ readiness to participate in  large-scale exams is related to their 21st-century skills. Thus, readiness in the large-scale assessments among  respondents does not differ on age, sex, family monthly income, and the number of siblings. It is recommended  that the Department of Education officials develop a plan to enhance 21st-century skills by providing teachers  with the necessary training and high-quality student resources. Furthermore, school administrators collaborate  with teachers and students to improve 21st-century skills for large-scale assessments. Finally, teachers must  become more proactive and active in developing their teaching skills and strategies in the existing curriculum  aligned to large-scale assessments. 


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How to Cite

Students’ 21st Century Skills: Level Of Readiness For Large- Scale Assessments . (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 12(1), 85-97.