Charting La Consolacion Philippins’ Pathway To Research:  Capability And Attitudes Of College Faculty And Staff


  • Maria Corazon Diaz Segismundo College of Business, Entrepreneurship & Accountancy, La Consolacion University, Philippines. Author


Research Capability, Research Productivity, Research Skills, Attitude Towards Research


A University’s competitive advantage is primarily determined by its capabilities, which constitute tacit  knowledge it utilizes to the optimum. The trinity of functions of any higher education institution - instruction, research and community extension - is driven by its specific vision, mission, and goals. The  study aimed at determining whether College faculty members’ research capability and their attitude towards  research are significant determinants of their research productivity - completion, presentation, publication,  and citation. Respondents comprised of faculty and staff from the six different College departments of  LCUP. A descriptive correlational research design was utilized, with data gathered using standardized  survey instruments tested for validity, internal consistency and reliability. Findings revealed that collectively,  research capability skills significantly impact faculty research productivity, with technical skills as the best  predictor. Conversely, constructs of the attitude towards research variable do not account for statistically  significant impact on faculty research productivity, whether collectively or individually. Training and  support for departments or faculty with minimal scholarly production, the regularity of imposition of  research policies to gain acceptability, faculty-to-faculty mentoring and adjustment of faculty compensation  considering teaching and administrative works, are recommended to reflect the importance of research  production, particularly in compliance with CHED and accreditation requirements. 


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How to Cite

Charting La Consolacion Philippins’ Pathway To Research:  Capability And Attitudes Of College Faculty And Staff. (2021). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 10(2), 65-73.