The Strength Of The React (Relating-Experiencing Applying-Cooperating- Transferring) Teaching Strategy In A Contextualized Grade 8 Science Spiral Curriculum Class


  • Lorence-Rose C. Jandoquile MAEd, Bagumbong High School (DepEd Caloocan) & The National Teachers College, Manila, Philippines. Author
  • Maria Eliza P. Cruz MAEd, Bagumbong High School (DepEd Caloocan) & The National Teachers College, Manila, Philippines. Author


Extreme Group Approach, Quasi Experiment, Action Research, Science Education


This quasi-experiment was designed to determine the strength of the REACT Teaching Strategy, vis-a-vis a  Contextualized Grade 8 Science Spiral Curriculum. It was intended to drive students toward pragmatic  meaning-making, leading them towards being society’s problem-solvers and critical thinkers. Student subjects  were grade eight students enrolled in a public school in Caloocan City, a first-class urbanized city in  Metropolitan Manila. Via the Solomon Four-Group Design and using Stanine Scaling, students were  categorized into three (3) groups: Below Average, Average, and the Above Average group. Aided by the  Extreme Group Approach (EGA) as the sampling technique, only the extreme groups, specifically, those  students classified as below average and above average were the ones assigned to both experimental and control  groups, thereby forming two control groups and two experimental groups. Following the rigors of the Solomon  four-group design, two groups were subjected to pre-testing, while the other two groups did not. All the four  groups, however, were subjected to post-testing. Using dependent and independent T-tests to determine  significant differences within groups and beyond groups, and as substantiated by statistically determining the  learning gains of all experimental groups and student feedback, the REACT strategy was proven to be a strong  teaching strategy with significant differences computed on the two experimental groups’ pretest and post-test,  and in comparison with the two control groups. Further, the Below Average Experimental Group posted a  learning gain that is significantly higher than that of the Above Average Experimental Group revealing the  stronger viability of the REACT Strategy to maximize the learning potential of the Below Average students  who may be struggling to find a “goodness-of-fit” between wanting to learn and finding the “best way” to learn. 


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How to Cite

The Strength Of The React (Relating-Experiencing Applying-Cooperating- Transferring) Teaching Strategy In A Contextualized Grade 8 Science Spiral Curriculum Class . (2024). Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education, 12(1), 1-12.