Equilibrium Studies on Sorption of Basic Fuchsin Dye Using Living Biomass of Aspergillus niger and Humicola grisea


  • Neetu Kumari Department of Biotechnology, Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan 312901, India
  • B L Yadav Department of Botany, Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan 312901, India
  • Pradip Kumar Department of Biotechnology, C.C.S. University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 200005, India




Textile wastewaters, biosorption, basic fuchsin dye, fungal biomass, adsorption isotherms


Textile effluents are among the most difficult to treat  wastewaters, due to their considerable amount of  recalcitrant and toxic substances. Fungal biosorption is  viewed as a valuable additional treatment for removing  pollutants from textile wastewaters. In the present study  fungal biomass of Aspergillus niger and Humicola griseawere used for the biosorption of basic fuchsin dye from  aqueous solutions. The maximum biosorption percentage  of 46.09% and 32.66% were observed at 100 ppm  concentration of dye by Aspergillus niger and Humicola grisea, respectively. The biosorption capacity of basic  fuchsin dye by Aspergillus niger biomass was more  efficient than the biomass of Humicola grisea. Adsorption  of dye by Aspergillus niger followed Langmuir isotherm  model while by Humicola grisea followed Freundlich  isotherm model. 


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How to Cite

Equilibrium Studies on Sorption of Basic Fuchsin Dye Using Living Biomass of Aspergillus niger and Humicola grisea . (2018). Bio Science Research Bulletin, 34(1), 19-26. https://doi.org/10.48165/