Phytochemical analysis and applications of Cynodon (L.) and Ficus bengalensis (L.) as an herbal medicine


  • S D Randive Assistant Professor Department of Botany, D.B.F. Dayanand College of Arts & Science, Solapur, Maharashtra 413002, India.
  • M N Jagtap Department of Botany, D.B.F. Dayanand College of Arts & Science, Solapur, Maharashtra 413002, India



Cynodon, Ficus bengalensis, phytochemicals, folic acid, Protein, herbal medicine


The present work was carried out to investigate the  quantitative determination of their crude phytochemicals,  protein contents and folic acid contain in Cynodon dactylon and Ficus bengalensis there use of as a herbal medicine. The  quantitative determination of crude phytochemicals. Which  including alkaloids, total phenols, flavonoids and saponins  were determined quantitatively using literature methods? In  present study, Leaf extract of cynodon and Ficus bengalensisBud extract is found to be very rich source of folic acid,  along with rich in phytochemicals they are being as a source  of folic acid it is found to be good tonic for anaemic and  pregnant ladies. Consumption of this extract or herbal  medicines prepared from Cynodon leaves and Ficus buds at  the time of pregnancy will reduces anaemia and increases the  foetus growth. As it is an easily available everywhere and  being as a herbal medicine it does not have any side effects.  So in present study it is found that cynodon leaf extract and  Ficus bengalensis Buds are boon for anaemic patient’s,  pregnant ladies and is also used as an tonic. 


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How to Cite

Phytochemical analysis and applications of Cynodon (L.) and Ficus bengalensis (L.) as an herbal medicine . (2019). Bio Science Research Bulletin, 35(2), 48-52.