A Report on the Fertilisation and Early Development in the Sea Urchin The primary objective of this study was to investigate fertilisation, cleavage and gastrulation in sea urchin embryos. It was found that a difference between room and 4oC stored sam


  • Rishan Singh Research Media SR, Durban, 4001, South Africa




Development, embryos, cell division, gastrulation, parthenogenesis, fertilisation, death


The primary objective of this study was to investigate  fertilisation, cleavage and gastrulation in sea urchin embryos.  It was found that a difference between room and 4oC stored  samples were obtained, with only 55% of the embryos  reaching the plateus larvae stage. After 72h, cell death  occurred in the 4oC stored samples. The parthenogenic  embryos died, and didn’t pass the blastula stage of early  gastrulation. This paper addresses 4 main topics of sea urchin  embryo development, including parthenogenesis and the  interference of fertilisation.  


University of KwaZulu-Natal, Developmental Biology Practical Manual (BIOL350), Durban, South Africa, 2019.

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How to Cite

A Report on the Fertilisation and Early Development in the Sea Urchin The primary objective of this study was to investigate fertilisation, cleavage and gastrulation in sea urchin embryos. It was found that a difference between room and 4oC stored sam. (2019). Bio Science Research Bulletin, 35(2), 45-47. https://doi.org/10.48165/