Chemical Signals in Immunology


  • Rishan Singh Discipline of Biological Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 4001, SA



Cytokines, Oxygen Radicals, Bax-Bcl Ratio, Null Mutation, Cellular Response, Ca2+/calmodulin, thrombus, Injury, Caspase-3


Kianic acid, glutamate, radiation and plant extracts are  substances that produce a chemical signal in cell systems.  These substances have the ability to upregulate caspase-3  expression, as well as a result in the migration of cellular  components, viz. mast cells and macrophases, at the site of  inflammation. This communication discusses chemical signal  in immunology and their importance in regulating cellular  responses.  


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How to Cite

Chemical Signals in Immunology . (2020). Bio Science Research Bulletin, 36(2), 100-102.