Fumigant Effect of Tunisian Eucalyptus Essential Oils on Hidden Callosobruchus maculatus Individuals


  • M Hedjal-Chebheb Laboratoire de production, sauvegarde des espèces menacées et des récoltes. Influence des variations climatiques. Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou - 15.000, Algérie.
  • F Medjdoub-Bensaad Laboratoire de production, sauvegarde des espèces menacées et des récoltes. Influence des variations climatiques. Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi Ouzou - 15.000, Algérie.




Fumigation, C.maculatus, Essential Oils, Softwoods, Myrtaceae


The objective of this work is to study the toxicity of essential  oils of Tunisian origin on the hidden individuals of C.  maculatus aged 12 and 18 days. The biological parameters  studied are: the hatching rate of the eggs and their viability.  Healthy seeds of cowpea are contaminated with adults of  C.maculatus in Petri dishes. After 24 hours, we remove the  weevils, and 4 to 5 days later, we sort the seeds bearing eggs  and count 50 hatched eggs (2 to 3 eggs per seed). A number  of seeds infested with 50 hatched eggs are placed in an oven  until the 12th day. The doses used are: 6.5 μl/l; 12.5 μl/l;  25μl/l; 50 μl/l and 75 μl/l. For each dose, we have varied the  duration of exposure: 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. The same  procedure is used for individuals aged 18 days. From the  results obtained, we find that the number of adult  individuals emerging from cowpea seeds decreases as the  dose of essential oils increases. For E. astringens and E.  lehmanii, the viability of C. maculatus is zero at 75 μl. No adult  beetle has emerged after 48 hours of exposure and 72 hours  for E. maidenii and E. cinerea. Concerning softwoods - regardless of the duration of exposure and the dose used, the  viability of the young larvae varies between 50% and 75.5%.  


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How to Cite

Fumigant Effect of Tunisian Eucalyptus Essential Oils on Hidden Callosobruchus maculatus Individuals . (2020). Bio Science Research Bulletin, 36(2), 70-78. https://doi.org/10.48165/