Nutritional Approach for the Treatment of Anemia and Iron Deficiency Anemia


  • Swapana John Department of Zoology, S.P.C Government College, Beawar Road, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305001, India
  • Prakash C Sharma Department of Zoology, Sophia Girls' College (Autonomous), Ajmer, Rajasthan 335001, India



Anemia, Iron deficiency anemia, Dietary Iron, Absorption, Nutrition


Around the globe every year around ten million lives are lost  due to hunger and undernutrition. Multitudes of people are impinged on by “hidden hunger,” a lack of essential vitamins  and minerals, which is known as micronutrient deficiencies.  Worldwide till date iron deficiency remains as the top ranking source of anemia. The consequences of poor  nutrition are not always prominent to notice. Infants, young  children and women of child- bearing age are those at greatest risk of nutritional anemia besides the men. Over 30% of the  world’s population – are anemic with about 1 billion  suffering from iron deficiency anemia (Gleason G.). The  etiology of ID and IDA is complex and has a prolonged  imbalance between dietary intake, absorption and body  needs which in the long run leads to iron deficiency anemia.  However this article focuses on the nutritional approach for the balance of iron absorption in the body thereby reducing  the occurrence of ID and IDA. 


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How to Cite

Nutritional Approach for the Treatment of Anemia and Iron Deficiency Anemia . (2020). Bio Science Research Bulletin, 36(1), 50-54.