Rethinking Medical Ethics from Hyppocratic Oath to Nuremberg Code


  • Victor Christianto Malang Institute of Agriculture (IPM), Malang, Indonesia.



Medical ethics, Hyppocratic Oath, Nuremberg Code, Wannsee Conference, medical experiments, Big Pharma


In this short review, we reconsider how medical ethics  based on Hyppocratic Oath since centuries ago, began to  decline gradually especially after medicine experiments  were introduced by Nazi doctors in camps during WW II.  At the end, Nuremberg code is introduced at the Post WW II era. We also discuss some implications to today  medical experiments especially those which involve  humans. 


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How to Cite

Rethinking Medical Ethics from Hyppocratic Oath to Nuremberg Code . (2021). Bio Science Research Bulletin, 37(2), 88-91.