From Data Science to Data Resistance: Possible Methods to Stop a Global Tyrant to Come


  • Victor Christianto Ekklesia Advanced School of Theology, Jakarta, Indonesia



Dangers of Big Data, Data Science, Data Resistance, Database Systems, Graph, Wetiko


The present article is actually a result of various discussions with a numberof colleagues,  on what will come later after this pandemic. Recent studies by Prof. Fioranelli and also Rubik  clearly indicate that something bigger plan is  played behind the scene. And Paul Levy’s recent  book warns us that actually the real plague is a kind of spiritual disease called “wetiko.” As a wise word tells us: “It is not how good you play  the game (i.e. how to reduce the spreading of pandemic), but it is how the game is played  against you.” Therefore, let us ask: how we can  respond properly, in a dignified way, while we  shall keep our moral integrity, i.e. not to step down  into violence means (i.e. ahimsa way). It turns out,  that one of available course of action, is to turn the  notion of Data Science to become Data Resistance. We outlined several available methods, but let us  put a cautious remark here that we shall not use  big data method unless it is the last choice,  because once we also partake into that bigdata  madness, then actually we also use the same evil tools against humanity. 


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How to Cite

From Data Science to Data Resistance: Possible Methods to Stop a Global Tyrant to Come . (2022). Bio Science Research Bulletin, 38(1), 35-43.