Evolutionary Effect of Fuzzy Logic in the Healthcare Domain


  • Ranjan Kumar Jati Dept. of Mathematics, DRIEMS, Auto. Engineering College, Tangi, Cuttack, Odisha754022, India
  • Satyabrat Kar Dept. of Mathematics, DRIEMS, Auto. Engineering College, Tangi, Cuttack, Odisha754022, India
  • Nirmal Chandra Sahu Dept. of Mathematics, DRIEMS, Auto. Engineering College, Tangi, Cuttack, Odisha754022, India




Logic, Fuzzy controllers, Fuzzifier, Membership function, Health Care, Fuzzy inference system (FIS), Fuzzy expert systems (FES)


Fuzzy logic plays an essential role in human life. It has been used in  various fields such as facial pattern recognition, air conditioners,  washing machines, vacuum cleaners etc. The main objective of this  paper is to reveal the development of fuzzy logic-based system to  improve the quality and reliability of medical diagnosis. Also deals  with monitoring and modeling of the visual Prolog Programming  were used to create the proposed medical diagnostic system. This  article examines the evolution of fuzzy logic's application in the  domain of healthcare.  


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How to Cite

Evolutionary Effect of Fuzzy Logic in the Healthcare Domain . (2023). Bio Science Research Bulletin, 39(1), 22-27. https://doi.org/10.48165/bpas.2023.39.1.4