Infestation and Population Growth of Stored Grain Pest C. chinensis in Two Varieties of Arhar during Different Seasons


  • Anamika Singh Department of Zoology, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 250005, India.



Arhar, Relative humidity, Infestation, Population growth, Damage, Consumption


Pulses are cheapest source of dietary proteins in  developing countries like India where per capita  consumption of animal protein is very low. Dietary proteins are important for growth repair  and development. Callosobruchus chinensis, pulse  beetle, is a serious pest of pulses. The insect pest  damages the pulse grain in agriculture field as  well as in storage. Present work has been done to  assess the population growth of pulse beetle in  important pulse whole grains during different  seasons, at different temperature and relative  humidity. Significant population growth of pulse  beetle was observed during different months of  the year. Pulse selected for study was Arhar. Population growth was found to be affected by  parental population as well as atmospheric  temperature and humidity. Infestation was  observed from the end of the month of March.  Bold variety of pulse was more susceptible for  infestation as compared to the smaller one.  Significant growth of insect population was  observed from end of the month of March to October. Population growth was found to be  increased with the increasing temperature and  RH %. Average no. of eggs emerged was more  at higher parental population. Maximum  Average number of eggs laid /female was found  to be 78.8-85.4 in pulses of present study at  atmospheric temperature Min. 23.60C-320C Max.  33.60C-33.70C and RH 62%. Maximum growth of  insect population was observed during Rainy  season when temperature varies from min 23.60C-25.90C and max 33.60C-33.70C and RH  62%-71% 


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How to Cite

Infestation and Population Growth of Stored Grain Pest C. chinensis in Two Varieties of Arhar during Different Seasons . (2019). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 38(2), 138–143.