Consequences Due to Injection of Cerebral Ganglionic Extract on Neurosecretory Cells in Freshwater Bivalve: Lamellidens Corrianus
Cerebral ganglia, Freshwater bivalve, Lamellidens corrianus, Neurosecretory cellsAbstract
Regarding the effect of neurosecretory cells as compare to marine pelecypodes less data is available on freshwater bivalves, considering this freshwater bivalve molluscs Lamellidens corrianus taken for the present study. This species abundantly distributed along the banks of Godavari river in Jayakwadi backwaters (Nathsagar) at Paithan, Maharashtra. These bivalves were collected, acclimatized and used for experiment. Sets were prepared, one control and another cerebral ganglionic extract injected group. Seasonal study of this revealed that cerebral ganglia play an important role, mostly inhibitory one in the regulation of gonad development and spawning. Neurosecretory cells were studied showed prominent type A and B cells.
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