Water and Coastal Water Vegetation of Various Types of Waters in The Samarkand Region


  • Y Sh Tashpulatov Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Samarkand State University. 140103. Uzbekistan. Samarkand, st. University Boulevard.
  • I Kh Khamdamov Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor. Professor of the Department of Biotechnology of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine. 140103. Uzbekistan, Samarkand. St. M. Ulugbek, 77.
  • A A Nurniyozov Applicant of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine. 140103. Uzbekistan, Samarkand. St. M. Ulugbek, 77.




aquatic plant, growth, formation, association, longline, herbage, flood plants, hydrophyte


In the study of hydrobiology of water basins, a  separate study of higher plants is required.  Higher plants growing in water for aquatic  organisms remain not only a habitat, a nutrient, a  source of oxygen, but they are also important in  the course of many biological processes in this  environment. The vegetation of aquatic and  coastal aquatic plants weakens the rate of flow of  water, impedes the movement of silt and mineral  particles, has anti-erosion significance and is  used to strengthen the banks of water bodies.  Among the higher aquatic and coastal aquatic  plants, many species have diverse uses as a raw  material for the pulp and paper, medical,  perfume industries, building materials, fertilizers  for the fields, food for people and pet food. 


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How to Cite

Water and Coastal Water Vegetation of Various Types of Waters in The Samarkand Region . (2019). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 38(2), 61–66. https://doi.org/10.48165/