Effect of Pottia lanceolata Linnaeus (Moss Extract) on Trichostrongylus in Sheep


  • Y Sunila Kumari Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Osmania University College for Women, (OUCW), Kothi, Hyderabad, Telangana 500095; India
  • Padmavathi Sriram Founder and Proprietor, Nautilus Life sciences, (Zoology Research Laboratory and Consultancy) K.K Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600078; India




Moss extract, Pottia lanceolata, Trichostrongyle, Anthelmintic, mRNA, Ttranscriptome analysis, GEO, Nutraceutical, Sheep Nematode


Bryophyte species, Pottia lanceolata was used as  anthelmintic, against sheep nematode Trichostrongylus  in vitro. Aqueous extract of Pottia lanceolata exhibited  anthelmintic activity in dose dependent manner  showing maximum efficacy at 20 mg/ml  concentration. To test the efficacy of the treatment  transcriptome analysis was done after isolating and  extracting the mRNA. Gene expression pattern were  studied in both the control and treated samples. A  total of 1,763 genes were expressed in the control and  treated samples, the genes expressed in control and  treated samples differed. It was found that certain  genes were up regulated in the control (257) and  certain genes were down regulated (341). The  transcriptome data as mRNA sequences were  submitted to public database, GEO. The following are  the ids of the submitted sequences. (GSE137609)  Sheep Nematode Control (GSM4083097) Sheep  Nematode treated (GSM4083098). The treatment was  found to be quite effective, as expression of unique  genes was observed, which seem to play a major role  in apoptosis, cuticle damage, neuronal destruction,  and triggering major signaling pathways, causing  obliteration of worms. The bryophyte extract seems to  be effective in inhibiting the nematode activity by  impacting the genome and gradually leading to the  extermination of the parasite and therefore may be  suggested to be used as an effective nutraceutical for  this helminth infection. 


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How to Cite

Effect of Pottia lanceolata Linnaeus (Moss Extract) on Trichostrongylus in Sheep . (2020). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 39(2), 503-509. https://doi.org/10.48165/