Studies on the Effect of Biocides on Changes in Physiological Profiles in a Teleostean Fish, Mystus cavasius (HAM.)


  • Parwez Ahmad Department of Zoology, Z.A. Islamia (P.G.) College, Siwan, Bihar 841226, India



Biocides, Blood parameters, Fish, Oxygen consumption


The present paper deals with the effects of certain  biocides on the haematology and respiratory  metabolism in an air breathing fish, Mystus cavasius  (Ham.). DDT. Metacid and Unizeb cause anaemia (i.e.  decrease in RBC counts and Hb content) whereas the  treatment of Endrin, Urea and Phenol brings about  polycythemia (i.e. an increase in RBC counts and Hb  content) in this fish. Endrin elevates the oxygen  consumption of this fish by nearly 40% while the  treatment of DDT, Unizeb and Metacid causes  significant decrease in oxygen consumption. The  effect of different biocides on the physiological  changes were more pronounced in fishes of smaller  size as compared to large speciemens. The value of  TLm (median tolerance limit) of different biocides  have also been measured. In polluted water the  frequency of surfacing (i.e. they depend more on  aerial respiration) increased in contrast to gill  respiration. The reason for and mechanism of such  changes are discussed in this paper.  


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How to Cite

Studies on the Effect of Biocides on Changes in Physiological Profiles in a Teleostean Fish, Mystus cavasius (HAM.) . (2020). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 39(2), 392-395.