Ichthyofaunal Diversity of Rapti River flowing through Shravasti and Balrampur Districts of Uttar Pradesh (India)


  • Masih C Sanjay Department of Zoology, Ewing Christian College, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211003, In
  • Sadguru Prakash Department of Zoology, M.L.K. (P.G.) College, Balrampur, Uttar Pradesh 271201, India




Conservation Status, Diversity, Family, Fishes, Rapti River


A systematic survey of Rapti River was  conducted once in a month for a period of one  year from August 2018 to July 2019 from ten  collection sites of Shravasti and Balrampur districts. Its main aim was to find out ichthyo faunal diversity and their conservation status.  The results of the present study revealed the  occurrence of 46 species belonging to 30 genera  19 families and 9 orders. The family Cyprinidae  were dominated by 13 species followed by  Bagridae (6 species); Ophiocephalidae (4 species);  Siluridae (3 species); Schileidae, Clariidae,  Gobiidae, Notopteridae and Mastacembeleidae  each with two species; Saccobranchidae,  Chacidae, Ophiocephalidae, Gobiidae,  Anabantidae, Nandidae, Osphronemidae,  Ambassidae, Clupeidae, Eugraulidae, Belonidae  and Tetradontidae each with one species. The  fishes in these areas are under threat due to  anthropogenic activities such as overfishing and  pollution hence authors strongly recommend  practical conservation action plan to prevent the  species from extinction.  


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How to Cite

Ichthyofaunal Diversity of Rapti River flowing through Shravasti and Balrampur Districts of Uttar Pradesh (India) . (2020). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 39(2), 272-280. https://doi.org/10.48165/