Gender Specific Effect of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Gene SNP G196A on Susceptibility to Alzheimer’s Disease: A Meta Analysis


  • Shovit Ranjan Department of Zoology, Miranda House, University of Delhi, Delhi- 110007, India.



BDNF, Alzheimer’s diseas, polymorphism, meta-analysis, sex difference


common age-associated neurodegenerative  disorders worldwide. The pathogenesis of AD  has been found to be associated to genetic  polymorphisms in several case-control and  cohort studies for the BDNF -196G>A (rs6265)  gene polymorphism but have yielded  inconsistent results. In this study, PubMed,  EMBASE, and Science Direct web-databases were  searched for relevant reports, showing  association of BDNF -196G>A gene with AD risk.  A total of 19 reports involving 5238 AD cases and  5492 controls were included. Significant  associations in five genetic models, i.e. allelic (A  vs G: p = 0.001; OR = 1.139, 95% CI = 1.051 to  1.233); homozygous (AA vs GG: p = 0.016; OR =  1.264, 95% CI = 1.044 to 1.530); heterozygous (AG  vs GG: p = 0.015; OR = 1.146, 95% CI = 1.027 to  1.279) ; and dominant (AA+AG vs GG: p = 0.003;  OR = 1.175, 95% CI = 1.058 to 1.305) were found  in overall analysis in case of female subjects but  not in male subjects. The results suggest that  BDNF -196G>A gene polymorphism significantly  contributes to AD susceptibility in females. Trial  Sequential Analysis (TSA) was also conducted  and results showed that the conclusions in this  meta-analysis are robust. 


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How to Cite

Gender Specific Effect of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Gene SNP G196A on Susceptibility to Alzheimer’s Disease: A Meta Analysis . (2020). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 39(2), 246-260.