Potato Aphids and Their Natural Enemies in Tizi-Ouzou Northern of Algeria: Biodiversity and Importance


  • Ait Amar Samia Laboratory of Production, Improvement and Protection of Plants. Department of Animal and Plant Biology. Faculty of Biological Sciences and Agronomic Sciences. Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou. 15000 (Algeria).
  • Benoufella-Kitous Karima Laboratory of Production, Improvement and Protection of Plants. Department of Animal and Plant Biology. Faculty of Biological Sciences and Agronomic Sciences. Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou. 15000 (Algeria).
  • Tahar Chaouche Souad Scientific and Technical Research Center for Arid Areas (CRSTRA) Biskra (Algeria).




Diversity, Abundance, Potatoes, Predatory and Parasitoids.


Survey of potato aphids and their natural  enemies in Tizi Ouzou Northern of Algeria  during a year 2013, a total of 308 individual  natural enemies comprised of 07 predatory  species and 3 parasitoid species were collected  and identified. The results showed the mean  abundance of predators, especially ladybird’s  species and Adonia variegata (Goeze, 1777) is  represented by 53.8%. Only some bugs were  found and the aphid parasitoids were  represented by three species Aphidius ervi (Haliday, 1833), Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh,  1855) and Praon volucre (Haliday, 1833).  


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How to Cite

Potato Aphids and Their Natural Enemies in Tizi-Ouzou Northern of Algeria: Biodiversity and Importance . (2020). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 39(1), 75-81. https://doi.org/10.48165/