A Statistical Approach for Production of Pectinase through Optimization of Process Factors Using Mutant Strain of Bacillus subtilis


  • Ram Balak Mahto Department of Biotechnology, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana 133207, Ambala. India.
  • Mukesh Yadav Department of Biotechnology, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana 133207, Ambala. India.
  • Biswanath Bhunia Department of Bio Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Agartala,-799046, India




Taguchi methodology, optimization, pectinase, mutant, process factors


The optimization of the various process  parameters including nutritional and  physiochemical factors was carried out for  production of pectinase using from mutant strain  of Bacillus subtilis using Taguchi methodology. In  the entire optimization study, mutant UV-20- 11/NTG-1-5/EMS-1-2 was used. The  experimental work was performed using shake  flask experiments. In this study, ten factors  including, orange peel, ammonium sulfate,  magnesium sulfate, phosphate ion, sodium  chloride, inoculum percentage, temperature, pH,  agitation speed, and incubation time were  considered for their effect on pectinase  production. It was evident from Taguchi  methodology that agitation speed contributed the  maximum impact (26.51%) on pectinase  productivity followed by ammonium sulfate  (13.77%), incubation time (12.77%), temperature  (12.36%), pH (V%), orange peel (9.64%),  inoculum percentage (5.61%), and sodium  chloride (5.467%). The results showed that a  higher level of pectinase productivity (630.58 U)  was achieved with orange peel (5 g/L),  ammonium sulfate (1.5 g/L), magnesium sulfate  (0.5 g/L), phosphate ion (0.5 g/L), sodium  chloride (0.5 g/L), inoculum percentage (1%),  temperature (37oC), pH (7), agitation speed (140  rpm), and incubation time (96 h).  


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How to Cite

A Statistical Approach for Production of Pectinase through Optimization of Process Factors Using Mutant Strain of Bacillus subtilis . (2020). Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology , 39(1), 53-61. https://doi.org/10.48165/